Brief History of Mountain View

In July, 1950, a small, but enthusiastic group of people, met in a borrowed marquee tent to worship under the leadership of Rev. Kenneth Findley. The land on which they met had been previously donated to the United Church by Mr. and Mrs. D.A MacBeath, a prominent family in the area. A vision soon developed to construct a church building in which to worship. As the weather grew colder, the group moved to the Georgetown School. On December 10, 1950, the Mountain View United Church was constituted as an official congregation. Now the real work was to begin.

Bake sales, sales of fancy work, teas, suppers, and fashion shows were held. Bricks were sold. Banquets were catered to raise money for the building of the church. One enterprising group even wrote and performed a play which they “took on the road” to raise money. On June 1, 1953, the cornerstone was laid, and the vision became a reality. Soon a very active congregation was worshiping in the new building. This same vision and enthusiasm is still evident today in the Mountain View United congregation as we carry out our vision and plan for the future.

The following purpose statement, developed by the congregation, is used to measure everything we do.  It states:

Share the love of God
Care for others
Act with a spirit of cooperation
Reach out to the community
Feed physical and spiritual hunger

All are welcome to come and be a part of the “Mountain View experience”.