Welcome to week eight, (and our final week), online guide to everything HtTAJwBTG. We will begin with week one through seven’s presentation note summaries, and then at the bottom I will provide a link for further study. Hope to see you join us in person next week! Thank you for joining us for week two. We will begin by reviewing last week’s content.

No doubt that we have covered a fantastic review of what it takes to participate in the evangelism efforts for Jesus. When we begin to adopt all these practices we take upon a new self, a self that genuinely values and sees people as God sees them. We want to bring them home to Jesus, because we love them, and Jesus is the best thing for them. So, we become an unofficial chaplain in their live, an access point to be heard and welcomed, to learn and to grow in the ways of Jesus. Today, we will begin by looking at what a chaplain is like.

Before we go too far, I cannot stress enough that being an evangelist is not the same as being a qualified and certified Chaplain as you might encounter at a college, in the military or in a prison. Chaplains are clergy, or spiritual educated individuals who have accredited training to support their paid and accountable position. All we are trying to do is adopt the characteristic for a chaplain, we are not claiming the title.
So let us think about the characteristics of what a chaplain or a chaplain’s office would be and feel like.

In a way, being a good evangelist means adopting the social attributes of someone who is paid to care for people. However, our care for people is rewarded by their relationship with Jesus growing. We know how wonderful it is to have Christ in our life, and the greatest reward is to win hearts for Jesus.
When we do the chaplain role well, we ultimately should speak, act and live more like Jesus. And that is one of the main goals of the faith anyways, so hey, two birds with one stone.
Let’s think about Jesus.

So we are acting the most like Jesus as we can to bring people closer to Jesus, great, what if they don’t like Jesus, what if their is disagreement? Well, Jesus found disagreement all the time, in fact, Jesus’ ministry is frequently surrounded by difficult people. We need to lean in disagreement and learn to work with it as Jesus did.

There are resources out their that speak to how to better convince in argument and in disagreement, how to media discussion and more. Keep the study and practice of healthy conversation and even debate alive in your life. Here are a few more key points.

Now let’s jump back to the beginning of the course, and ask….

Take some time this spring and summer to practice your Biblical Evangelism, to be like Jesus, live like Jesus, proclaim like Jesus, love and care like Jesus.
God Bless, thanks for participating.
If you like this course, don’t forget to support Chan’s book by ordering a copy for yourself.
Thank you for joining us online here today to review the lecture material from April 18, for more reflection on Merging your Universes from the themes of Sam Chan’s book, please follow this link –> Here or Here or Here (please note that the reflection found via these links are connected with a past program held by Villages United Church in Granton ON.)
Hope to see you next week either online or in church. GOD BLESS
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