Welcome to week seven, online guide to everything HtTAJwBTG. We will begin with week one through six’s presentation note summaries, and then at the bottom I will provide a link for further study. Hope to see you join us in person next week! Thank you for joining us for week two. We will begin by reviewing last week’s content.

We have review in depth the necessity for evangelism to be interwoven in to your every day connection with people. In short you could say Chan’s book highlights the necessity to invest in people stories, to know where they have come from, where they are now, and the evangelism piece is your genuine care for where they are going next. You want Jesus to be part of their future.

We are now at the point where we can begin to talk about Jesus with some confidence. We have done the personal friendship building and investing, now we can talk about Jesus. We need to be careful not too over or under play Jesus. If we do one of these two action we could end up “friend zoning” us and our evangelism effort. Friend Zone is a colloquial expression often uses to reference a young man who has been locked out of the romantic possibility by his woman of interest. If he is “friend zoned” it is often because his effort to win her into romance has been too overinflated or so weak it not on her radar. Everyone needs to find that sweet spot to win someone’s heart. We as evangelist as just trying to help in winning hearts for Jesus.
Here are some examples of what under playing verse over playing might look like or feel like.

Now many of the characteristic of the under/over play have some valid motivation behind them. But we have to aim to find the Goldilocks Zone, not too hot, not too cold. In this Zone we will have a balanced playbook. Let see what that might look or feel like.

So your talk about Jesus in the Goldilocks Zone, after building a wonderful friendship and the person asks to know more about Jesus, were do we go from their. Well Christians have many resources out there to help you navigate when some one in interested. See the slide below for more details and do not hesitate to reach out to Mountain View UC for more information on how to obtain some of these materials.

It is important to be able to articulate what faith means to you. Whether in is in our testimonial, or in a longer unscripted conversation we should be able to think about our faith and articulate it. The next two set of slides are to help you think about why you believe what you do. Spend some time with these questions, and if you wish to discuss this in prayerful reflection with someone, email minister@mountainviewunited.ca to speak with Rev. Shaw

Thank you for joining us online here today to review the lecture material from April 11, for more reflection on Merging your Universes from the themes of Sam Chan’s book, please follow this link –> Here (please note that the reflection found via this link is connected with a past program held by Villages United Church in Granton ON.)
Hope to see you next week either online or in church. GOD BLESS
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